true stories of how applying the Balance has saved (and improved) the lives of real people:
John Kass (aka ) has a neurological condition called HSP - as he says in the first video, "my legs don't talk to my brain."
Follow along as Ron Morris presents a genuine balanced approach to natural healing. This is going to be a long process for John; he hasn't been able to feel his feet for over 3-1/2 years. This has caused many problems: now he can no longer drive a car, and has to use a walker to get around.
The last best chance to get back to the top, physically and emotionally, is to start at square 1 and nothing but square 1 {HANZO PHILOSOPHY}.
And so… the tale of two diverse professionals is born...
Ron (a.k.a. The Big Break)
Here, I apply The Balance to my body.
A slow-motion motorcycle accident (not anything cool — more like comedy) left me with a fractured tibia. The doctors said “immediate surgery;” — and if you know me, you can figure out what *I* said!
Sharon has Parkinson's Disease. After working with Ron on Qi Gong and Tai Chi techniques for about six months, she says:
"I enjoy it because I'm able to get my body back the way it was before... before the Parkinson's set in."