The last best chance to get back to the top, physically and emotionally, is to start at square 1 and nothing but square 1 {HANZO PHILOSOPHY}.

And so… the tale of two diverse professionals is born…—the need and the answer, the end of the road and the beginning of the adventure. Welcome to the Hanzo, where Truth lives and breathes, and for those who are ready to deal with the Truth. It is where you heal and emerge a new version of self (whew, sounds good; let’s have the hanzo, Hanzo!).


Robert Robinson, gospel singer extraordinaire, and in jeopardy of losing a battle with his health, and the potential future of diabetes, stroke, obesity, and all that comes with it — numbness in his feet and hands, fear of hitting high notes, inability to move without a walker or an assistant, no sense of self, and fear of losing his ability to sing and make a difference in the world of the gospel, music, people.

The Cure:

Ron Morris, master of true physical fitness — body work and Zen approach to problems and diet, 28 years and many stories of success. THIS would be the best chapter yet, employing common sense and shiatsu techniques, Qigong breathing, a simple diet and simple movement. Routine and motivation without reservation. The die was cast.

The Meeting/the Goals:

The skepticism was obvious, but nothing I had not seen before, except this time, someone’s life was at stake. I’ve worked with people who risk their lives and who challenge themselves, who push their own boundaries in one way or another. But THIS would be the first person I would encounter who would require a depth of ability that is not commonly found — that being the implementation of mind, body, spirit — the art of hanzo.

Our first meeting would be as follows: a very depressed and immobile person, a man at the end of his options. His future: lots of drugs and many surgeries. And that is where we started.

The Journey

Below is the log that follows our 12 weeks together. At the end rests a new man, with a real will to live a fuller life. But we have a long way to go yet. With the people’s help, we can complete our mission of total recovery and help others with needs as dire. Robert is a special brand of person, one who can touch people and has given much happiness and joy to all music lovers. This is only a fraction of who he is and what he has to offer.

Fitness Consulting for April, 2013




One-hour session: emails, setting up weekly program and a baseline


Phone contact and email


One-hour session: staff stretch, begin standing diet, qigong breathing






One-hour session: Introduce deep tissue massage, increase standing, deeper qigong breathing, arm movements. Review of diet as always.




One hour session: Body work/ knee focus, full standing and sitting as a set – 10 times. Qigong breathing.


One hour session: Work to overall increase time and duration of workout, standing and more specifics. Acupressure on knee and neck. Next level qigong meditation.


One-hour session: Increase variation on movements. Seeing significant improvements in overall mood and health. Moving with breath.


One hour session: Got circulation to feet. Standing with comfort and confidence.

May Goals: Walking and weight loss; deep healing in the feet and legs.

Progress Assessment: Overall, a solid start and steady progress. May will harvest much more in the way of faster progress.

Fitness Consulting for May, 2013




One-hour session: Robert said he has cut his pain meds in half. Has experienced better breathing in general and during singing.




One hour session: Began meal and vitamin replacement. Did a longer workout of standing and breathing, to work the soreness out.


One hour session: Robert’s energy level is noticeably higher. He feels better and more energized. He stood up out of his chair without help. Introduced light weights. Did simple stretching and Qigong breathing.


One hour session: Robert stood up under his power again. Practiced Qigong – “raise the sky,” and practiced long standing


One hour session: Singing better and moving around more freely. His fear of high notes is going away because of Qigong breathing. Has less anxiety about falling down. His endurance is increasing.


One hour session: Robert walked the longest distance he has in years today. Tears of joy. Also standing Qigong. Knee feels better. High mood.


One hour session: Intensive walking and standing. The best yet.


One-hour session: Diet talk. Improving constipation. Walking longest distance yet.

Progress Assessment: Overall, this month brought monster improvement. Robert feels good again and can now see the goals more clearly. They are achievable and consistency is the key. For the next year, constant movement and progress will restore Robert to his prime.

Fitness Consulting for June, 2013




Walked longest yet from chair to door and back. Worked on pressure points in back and lower legs. Color is coming back to feet and ankles. Energy work on knee. Tightened diet up; instructed to watch volume.


Standing practice. Strength / Shiatsu / pressure points work.


Robert walking with less of a stress level. Weight loss continues. Work on meditation about releasing fear of movement without pain.


NO MORE WALKER! The walker was thrown out today. It is now gone from Robert’s life. Now using cane. Cut down on insulin use.


Body work, pressure points massage and rehab for knee.


Down in weight.


Meeting with Jean and video tape for first blog. Massage of ankles for more flexibility in movement and walking. Massage of calf muscles.


Pushing more movement and getting it. Robert much improved in mind and body. Choosing to go out on his own more. Go big man!


Getting ready to set new goals and blogs. Body work and new leg exercises.

Fitness Consulting for July, 2013




A bad week for Robert. Knee problems, food issues. But (!) Did not let it get the best of him. We work through it by being honest and forward with each other.


Filming nuts-and-bolts of body work.


Update physical activities. Review progress. New movements introduced. Solve new problems that arise from moving more. Robert is progressing at a rate that requires us to constantly re-adjust and re-think our approach to his healthy outcome.


Lost more weight!!! Deeper Qigong.