
supplements supplement your diet — whether it’s good or bad or just inefficient. this happens when we all age: we don’t eat consistently, we don’t get enough water or exercise… SO supplementation becomes a valuable tool.
the big pitfalls are 1) inferior products and 2) justifying the effect vs. the cost

starting in 2020, I’ve set up a relationship with Nutri-Dyn — their products are not available in stores, they are prescribed by healthcare professionals

I found them quite by accident — a happy accident. Osteopaths, chiropractors and body workers use ND for real results for real patients and real students. I was impressed from day one. I demand results and these products seem to really deliver.

From the beginning, NutriDyn™ was created to help and support healthcare practitioners in improving the quality of life of their patients through clinical nutrition options

Check out these products I personally recommend… because I have used EVERY ONE of them myself.

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