return of the fat blog
Then of course there are the 12 steppers: the righteous shop keepers of whats right thinking and correct action for a sad piece of helpless and hapless victim like yourself — you are a will-less soul, who must be led calorie by calorie to the Glory of the beautifully thin and heroically athletic tribe of calorie counting obsessed not-to-mention behaviorally challenged. who annoy and abuse you with rhetoric to affirm that you are indeed filthy fat despicably lazy pigs who will not adhere to a self discipline of restraint and enjoy a superiority over food like us the food calorie counting redemption squad. Now drop and give me 20! please (don’t quit reading yet we have plans for our goody goody legion of denial…) read on!
Why read another article about diet and health, and living a more full and active life ? Well because no one seems to think its very urgent to change their habits of inactive behavior or the seemly endless consumption of programs that they will not ever truly commit to. The act has become the thing. Instead of doing, they read the book, buy the DVD, maybe try a day or two and then some divine intervention come’s a callin’. “It made me sick,” or “my doctor said it will kill me and wreck the lawn,” yeah OK.
They are willing themselves to literally live through their high-def screens. Meanwhile the comfort of living in a bubble of denial affords people the luxury of hooking into and up with like minded mouth-breathers who also choose to ignore a fact, one fact, the only f–&%$*g fact that will ever ever matter at all, ever. That being time is not infinite for your potato chip chewing jowls. This is a limited run and there are people like me who feel everyone should be able to get their money’s worth and beyond. But some how along the way human dollars — i mean nature — got in the mix .
The genius who figured out that the PRESENT STATE OF HUMAN NATURE IS RETARDED , REPRESSED , AND INTELLECTUALLY DISMANTLED, saw the soft spot in the human insecurity of all men and women: FEAR. So smart people who can make their lazy living by pretending to be smart flourished and profited on fear — your fear.
Proof 101
Dietitians. The front line solders of the facts and general information from the powers that be in the academic and political world. Science and the government working hand-in-hand for a better tomorrow for you and yours. So how is that going?
It is not a challenge to change so many minds over to the simple fact, that moderation in all things EXCEPT the ones the government can’t tax or control is the cornerstone to good health and that getting some exercise is important.
Government studies along with Universities have shown that exercise is effective along with a health diet. Well no sh-t and you have a f–&%$#–g degree? And your soldier of food fortune just so happens to be monstrously fat, rotund in fact. I guess that old adage “practice what you preach” kind of took a crap in translation, huh ?. oh yeah she probably didn’t have the time or……oops uh i have a gland thing and just like that, subconcious and subversive behavior, is passed on and encouraged. Their lame, made up, pretend jobs /degrees are at stake. They aint rock’n the boat or the food truck if it can jepordize their nice tidy made up world.
Let’s get the truth on the table right now kiddy’s. Academic and governmental bureaucracy are what sustains and drive this dysfunctional bus of the fat-challenged. It also is what the day to day busywork of the world is made up of. Paperwork and appointments, and meetings about paperwork.
Think about all the extra curricular activities involved in government and education. Why there’s paper shuffling and special committees to confirm or disprove special programs that they will be spastically neutral about. Any subject the committee is exploring / exploiting. Then they take a vote on wether or not genetically grown meat covered in slaughter house s-&%$#-t is a threat to our health or not. Lobbiest’s will of course have the final say. f–&%$#-k wads!
You should be put on a space shuttle to Pluto. Those committees are the biggest cog in the busywork wheel — and hey — how about the academic world ? After all, they did come up with the genetic model for pretend food. Now they get to create studies on the effects of genetically modified foods that they invented in the first place. Now they are going to see if they need to create something to counteract the effects of their first creation. All in the name of progressive societal improvements. Meanwhile those masticating mother-f-&%$#-s in political schemes to tax both ends of any outcome. I think you call that self-sustaining, I guess. Busywork for everybody — and they get to be important. You get to be pooched in the butt!