kettlebell exercises
Who is that behind those Foster Grants? Yeah, you’ve got to be a certain age to know that joke. Here’s the gig. When we last left, Batman and Robin were being destroyed by the figure 8 monster. From the side, from the front, back, back, back, and then we added the raising and lowering of the body up and down, nice and smooth. Very good.
Now we’re going to add a push-up, so you’re going to start like this, same as the three points on the swing. Jump back just like this, down, get your push-up in, enjoy the pain at the bottom. Oh yummy. Up you go, forward, then make sure you stay back on your heels. With that, then you can add some more stuff. Maybe you do a little bit of figure 8, a pushup, and then a swing.
For now, though, this is plenty. You get into your push-up position, your back like this, you come down, you come up. You jump forward. Maybe you do a swing. Set it down, then you add a figure 8. Set it down and you start all over again.
Now, that’s the keys to the kingdom right there. As you can tell, it works like a champion. Creating different dynamics, creating kind of a different road map every time you train, is the key in the essence of what the Hanzo philosophy is all about, Hanzo fit, if you will, not cross fit, Hanzo fit, which actually is about taking different ideas, crashing them together so they work for you.
This is cardiovascular strength and flexibility. It doesn’t take much time, you don’t have to go anywhere, and this travels, so no brainer. Kettlebells have been so misaligned, and maligned, and misused, and misguided by people who are certified that these people are morons and they’re dangerous.
This is Common Sense 101. Learn how to do a swing correctly. Learn how to do this figure 8 and a pushup correctly, and the next 10 blogs is going to just change your life forever.
Until next week, as we ride off into the sunset, Bruce over into the other area, again; oh, Bruce just fell off his chair. [laughs] My studio audience have won. Ladies and gentleman, we’ll have guests later on this week, so please don’t go away.